Special Bundled Packages
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- If choosing bundled option please use the green description buttons for detailed class content information only.
- Use the drop down registration/payment bar below to select classes to 'add to cart' which will reflect the discounted prices and register you for the appropriate classes.
- Your receipt will include dates/times of each class.
Parenting Foundations;
Building Blocks for Positive Parenting and Parenting Foundations; Building Blocks Parenting Support Group $84.00/ 6 - 75 minute adult classes Regular combined price $105.00 Great pair for rebuilding & enhancing parent/child communication to diffuse behaviors and foster healthy social-emotional development. Additional three weeks of open forum support to help troubleshoot behaviors and strategies while receiving peer and professional support. |
Optional add-on: A third discounted 90 minute adult class; Putting the Sensation into Regulation, for an additional $20.00
Please don't forget to register for 2 or 3 discounted adult classes. When registration is received you will be sent a course confirmation from Home Therapy Solutions. |
Parenting Foundations;
Building Blocks for Positive Parenting and Parenting Foundations; Putting the Sensation into Regulation $68.00/ 3 - 75 minute adult classes & 1- 90 minute adult class Regular combined price $85.00 Great package recommendation for rebuilding & enhancing parent/child communication to diffuse common behaviors and to be introduced to common sensory aspects potentially leading to frustrating behaviors. |
Optional add-on: A third adult discounted 3 week 75 minute class series; Parenting Support Group, for an additional $36
Please don't forget to register for 2 or 3 discounted adult classes. When registration is received you will be sent a course confirmation from Home Therapy Solutions. |
Parenting Foundations;
Putting the Sensation into Regulation and Sensory Parent & Child Class; Sensing My Body - Register for correct age of child/times - $84.00/ 1 - 90 minute adult class & 4 - 30 minute parent/child classes Regular combined price $105.00 Great selection if you have a healthy relationship and communication system and are suspecting common sensory dysregulation issues with your child. Covers sensory parent education 1 week and parent/child experiential training classes 4 weeks. |
Please register for one discounted adult class and for one of the correct age groups for the discounted parent/child class. It is possible if there is low registration that classes may be combined.
When registration is received you will be sent a course confirmation from Home Therapy Solutions. |