CLINIC THERAPYOccupational, Physical, & Speech-Language Therapies in a sensory enriched setting
Occupational, Physical, Speech-Language & Developmental-Behavior Intervention Therapies
Comprehensive Therapy Evaluations
Limited/Targeted Evaluations
- developmental-based evaluation and report contributes to medical diagnostic evaluation, therapeutic intervention, and/or home based strategies for improved performance
- if your child has had a recent private or school IEP therapy evaluation, we may be able to work from the most recent evaluation - during the initial phone consult we can determine if a new evaluation is indicated
- independent and 2nd opinion school therapy evaluations - extensive standardized and subjective measures used to support thorough interpretation and recommendations for educational planning - NJ DOE Approved Agency
Limited/Targeted Evaluations
- clinical assessment through observation for an isolated concern, with recommendations and follow-up as needed
- discuss during initial phone contact if this is indicated for your child
Therapeutic Listening® Occupational Therapist trained provider
Forbrain®: Occupational Therapist trained provider
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices: Speech-language pathology assessment, recommendation, training
Voice Therapy: Vocal chord nodule treatment by specially trained speech-language pathologist
PROMPT: Speech-language pathologist trained
Getting Started with Your Therapy Concerns and/or Academic Support
Call for a no fee initial consultation and fee schedule. You will receive a Welcome Packet via email if you choose to proceed with an appointment.
Flexible Scheduling
Therapeutic Listening® Occupational Therapist trained provider
Forbrain®: Occupational Therapist trained provider
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices: Speech-language pathology assessment, recommendation, training
Voice Therapy: Vocal chord nodule treatment by specially trained speech-language pathologist
PROMPT: Speech-language pathologist trained
Getting Started with Your Therapy Concerns and/or Academic Support
Call for a no fee initial consultation and fee schedule. You will receive a Welcome Packet via email if you choose to proceed with an appointment.
Flexible Scheduling