Gross Motor:
Fine Motor:
Feeding Issues: the more checked off the more daily mealtime restriction it imposes
Emotional/Organizational Behaviors:
Executive Functioning:
Activities of Daily Living:
- Seems weaker than other children his/her age
- Does not have the endurance other children his/her age have for an activity
- Difficulty hopping, skipping, or running as compared to other children his/her age
- Appears stiff and awkward in his/her movements
- Clumsy, does not appear to know how body works, bumps into others or objects
- Does not seem to understand concepts such as right, left, front back, as it relates to his/her body
- Shies away from playground equipment. May only play on one particular item
- Poor posture (always seems to be leaning against something); doesn't sit in chair correctly
- Difficulty initiating movements
- Unusual/unsteady walking, toe walking, or drags feet
- Tires easily
- Passive - avoids recess and/or gym
- Developmental skills below classmates
Fine Motor:
- Difficulty with drawing, coloring, tracing
- Performs these activities quickly and the result is usually sloppy
- Avoids fine motor activities
- Awkward pencil grip
- Problem holding pencil, grasp may be very loose or very tight
- Printing is too dark, too light, too large, too small
- Does not seem to have a dominant hand, switches hands frequently
- Two hands do not work well together
- Poor desk posture - leans on arms, keeps head close to work
- Written work is slow and labored
- Tires easily when writing
- Does not stabilize paper when writing
- Difficulty manipulating scissors
- Difficulty with buttons, zippers, ties, snaps
- Repeats sounds, words or phrases over and over
- Does not understand what you're saying
- Does not point to common objects upon request
- Does not follow simple directions
- Does not respond correctly to yes/no questions
- Does not respond correctly to who/what/where/when/why questions
- Communicates through body language, grunting, or one-word utterances
- execution is different from what was asked
- Excessive putting of toys or objects in his mouth
- Trouble discriminating shapes, letters, or numbers
- Cannot complete age-appropriate puzzles
- Difficulty copying designs, letters, or numbers
- Difficulty tracking (i.e. as in reading a book or following the teacher's arm movements)
- Difficulty copying from the blackboard/smart board
- Has a diagnosed visual deficit or receives visual training
- Wears glasses, but issues aren't corrected
- Omits words or phrases, skips lines or loses place while reading and/or copying
- Requires fingers or markers to hold place while reading
- Letter reversal (after first grade)
- Difficulty with spacing and placement of letter/numbers
- Difficulty locating objects/shapes from distracting background (maps, etc)
- Complains of double, blurry vision, and/or closes or squints eyes frequently
- Mis-aligns head or body when working on tabletop tasks
- Has difficulty maintaining eye contact or does not visually regard tasks
- Complains of frequent headaches
- Withdraws from touch
- Touches everything
- Avoids being close to others (doesn't like to be hugged)
- Over-reacts to unexpected touch
- Dislikes removing outer garments, shoes
- Dislikes clothing textures
- Increased dis-tractability to sound
- Overly sensitive to sounds/noise
- Visually distracted
- Over-reacts to smells
- Avoids/craves specific food textures
- Difficulty moving foods around in mouth, avoids working to chew foods
- Fearful of being off the ground
- Floppy, ragdoll like
- Doesn't like playground equipment.
- Can't seem to stop moving, craves swinging, rocking
- Avoids activities that challenge balance
- Seems "earthbound" (i.e. seems unable to jump, move feet off the ground)
Feeding Issues: the more checked off the more daily mealtime restriction it imposes
- Gags easily
- Avoids hot or cold temps
- Avoid/craves mushy, crunchy, chewy, or saucy textures
- Doesn't want foods touching each other
- Eats same three foods every day
- Considered a yellow food eater
- Not able to entice to try new foods with bribes
- Difficulty accepting baby puree food
- Difficulty transitioning from baby food to solids
- Doesn't like brushing teeth
- Places food at back molars avoiding tongue
- Pocketing food in cheek
- Over stuffs mouth
Emotional/Organizational Behaviors:
- Does not like to have routine changed
- Difficulty sequencing a single or multiple tasks from start to finish
- Is easily frustrated.
- Has long meltdowns, cannot self soothe
- Cannot get along with others
- Deals better with a small group situation or one-to-one
- Frequently involves self in other people's activities
- Cannot work independently
- Difficulty problem solving
Executive Functioning:
- Difficulty with organization a plan to achieve a goal
- Struggles with sustaining attention
- Unable to inhibit self to transfer to next task
- Requires multiple cues to initiate tasks
- Requires ongoing cues for completing routine tasks
- Lacks mental flexibility
- Inefficient work process
- Easily distracted. restless, short attention span
- Slow worker
- Disorganized, messy desk
- Hyperactive
- Difficulty following directions/sequential steps
- Difficulty completing assignments
Activities of Daily Living:
- Poor control of eating utensils, sloppy hand-to-mouth movements
- Difficulty opening milk or juice cartons, or other containers
- Has trouble manipulating buttons, zippers, snaps
- Unable to tie shoes
- Difficulty with clothing management during toileting
- Difficulty sequencing self-care steps
- Difficulty with organizing personal items