Pediatric Occupational, Physical, & Speech Therapy sessions are in a sensory enriched clinic setting. Home Therapy Solutions provides a direct child treatment approach, as well as an indirect approach for providing family education to ensure successful outcomes for the child. Opportunities are available between treatment sessions for any concerns the parent has in order to facilitate carryover of therapeutic recommendations to the home or school setting.
General Developmental Delay, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Dyspraxia, Sensory Processing Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, Specific/General Learning Disability, Visual and Auditory Processing Disorder, Fine Motor Delay, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Low Muscle Tone, Fluency Disorder, Articulation Disorder, Language Disorder, Pragmatic Disorder, Orthopedic Injury, Gait Disorder
Comprehensive Evaluation
Detailed developmental evaluation and report contributes to diagnostic evaluation, therapeutic intervention, educational planning (IEP's), and home based strategies for improved performance. Clinical and school based evaluations performed.
Treatment Intervention Addresses
Bilateral Integration, Range of Motion, Fine Motor, Gross Motor, Strengthening, Tendon Shortening, Orthotic Needs, Mobility, Handwriting, Visual Motor and Visual Perception, Auditory Perception, Verbal Communication and Language, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Sensory Development and Regulation, Sensory Integrative Therapy, Primitive Reflex Integration, Self-care, Parent Training, and Home Programming.
Trained provider for:
Therapeutic Listening® https://vitallinks.com/therapeutic-listening/parents/
Forbrain® www.forbrain.com
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices: Speech-language pathology assessment, recommendation, training
Getting Started
Call for a no fee initial intake to discuss your child's background and concerns. You will receive a Welcome Packet via email if you choose to proceed with an evaluation appointment.
Flexible Scheduling
Therapy Intensive
General Developmental Delay, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Dyspraxia, Sensory Processing Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, Specific/General Learning Disability, Visual and Auditory Processing Disorder, Fine Motor Delay, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Low Muscle Tone, Fluency Disorder, Articulation Disorder, Language Disorder, Pragmatic Disorder, Orthopedic Injury, Gait Disorder
Comprehensive Evaluation
Detailed developmental evaluation and report contributes to diagnostic evaluation, therapeutic intervention, educational planning (IEP's), and home based strategies for improved performance. Clinical and school based evaluations performed.
Treatment Intervention Addresses
Bilateral Integration, Range of Motion, Fine Motor, Gross Motor, Strengthening, Tendon Shortening, Orthotic Needs, Mobility, Handwriting, Visual Motor and Visual Perception, Auditory Perception, Verbal Communication and Language, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Sensory Development and Regulation, Sensory Integrative Therapy, Primitive Reflex Integration, Self-care, Parent Training, and Home Programming.
Trained provider for:
Therapeutic Listening® https://vitallinks.com/therapeutic-listening/parents/
Forbrain® www.forbrain.com
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices: Speech-language pathology assessment, recommendation, training
Getting Started
Call for a no fee initial intake to discuss your child's background and concerns. You will receive a Welcome Packet via email if you choose to proceed with an evaluation appointment.
Flexible Scheduling
Therapy Intensive