Pediatric Clinic Therapies

Pediatric Occupational, Physical, & Speech-Language Therapy
* sensory enriched setting
* direct child treatment approach
* indirect approach for providing family education to ensure successful outcomes for the child
* opportunities are available betwen treatment sessions for any concerns the parent has in
order to facilitate caryover of therapeutic recommendations to the home or school setting
* parent is part of every therapy session
* therapeutic items often available for trial at home before independently purchasing
* narrative evaluation and update reports provided with no additional fees
* therapists use evidence based practice
* general developmental delay * developmental coordination disorder * dyspraxia
* sensory processing disorder * attention deficit disorder * specific/general learning disability
* visual and auditory processing disorders * fine and gross motor delays * low muscle tone
* fluency, articulation language and pragmatics disorders * vocal chord nodules
* autism spectrum disorders * dysgraphia (handwriting) * orthopedic injuries * gait disorders
Comprehensive Evaluation
Detailed developmental based evaluation and report contributes to diagnostic evaluation, therapeutic intervention, educational planning (IEP's), and home based strategies for improved performance. Clinical and school based evaluations and 2nd opinion school evaluations performed (We are a NJ DOE Approved Agency).
If your child has had a recent private evaluation or an IEP we may be able to work from the most recent evaluation. During the initial phone consult we can determine if a new evaluation is indicated.
Limited/targeted assessments offered when indicated.
Therapeutic Listening®: Occupational therapist trained provider
Forbrain®: Occupational therapist trained provider
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices: Speech-language pathology assessment, recommendation, training
Voice Therapy: Vocal chord nodule treatment by specially trained speech-language pathologist
PROMPT: Speech-langugage pathologist trained
Getting Started
Call for a no commitment initial consultation and fee schedule. You will receive a Welcome Packet via email if you choose to proceed with an evaluation appointment.
Flexible Scheduling
* sensory enriched setting
* direct child treatment approach
* indirect approach for providing family education to ensure successful outcomes for the child
* opportunities are available betwen treatment sessions for any concerns the parent has in
order to facilitate caryover of therapeutic recommendations to the home or school setting
* parent is part of every therapy session
* therapeutic items often available for trial at home before independently purchasing
* narrative evaluation and update reports provided with no additional fees
* therapists use evidence based practice
* general developmental delay * developmental coordination disorder * dyspraxia
* sensory processing disorder * attention deficit disorder * specific/general learning disability
* visual and auditory processing disorders * fine and gross motor delays * low muscle tone
* fluency, articulation language and pragmatics disorders * vocal chord nodules
* autism spectrum disorders * dysgraphia (handwriting) * orthopedic injuries * gait disorders
Comprehensive Evaluation
Detailed developmental based evaluation and report contributes to diagnostic evaluation, therapeutic intervention, educational planning (IEP's), and home based strategies for improved performance. Clinical and school based evaluations and 2nd opinion school evaluations performed (We are a NJ DOE Approved Agency).
If your child has had a recent private evaluation or an IEP we may be able to work from the most recent evaluation. During the initial phone consult we can determine if a new evaluation is indicated.
Limited/targeted assessments offered when indicated.
Therapeutic Listening®: Occupational therapist trained provider
Forbrain®: Occupational therapist trained provider
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices: Speech-language pathology assessment, recommendation, training
Voice Therapy: Vocal chord nodule treatment by specially trained speech-language pathologist
PROMPT: Speech-langugage pathologist trained
Getting Started
Call for a no commitment initial consultation and fee schedule. You will receive a Welcome Packet via email if you choose to proceed with an evaluation appointment.
Flexible Scheduling