Gross Motor:
Fine Motor:
Activities of Daily Living:
- Seems weaker than previous baseline
- Does not have the endurance to perform daily functional tasks
- Bent or leaning posture
- Appears stiff and awkward in his/her movements
- Difficulty initiating movements
- Unsteady walking
- Difficulty negotiating obstacles
- Foot drop
- Frequent falls
- Limited arm or leg range of movements
Fine Motor:
- Difficulty with handwriting or using a keyboard
- Problem holding pencil, grasp may be very loose or very tight
- Dominant hand is weak or nonfuncional
- Two hands do not work well together
- Difficulty manipulating small items
- Difficulty with buttons, zippers, ties, snaps
- Does not understand what you're saying
- Difficulty verbalizing needs
- Does not point to common objects upon request
- Does not follow simple directions
- Does not respond correctly to yes/no questions
- Does not respond correctly to who/what/where/when/why questions
- Communicates through body language, grunting, or one word utterances
- Tends to ignore one side of body, food plate, writing paper
- Doesn't recognize what common objects are used for
- Diffiulty sequencing daily routines
- Memory loss
- Decreased safety awareness
Activities of Daily Living:
- Poor control of eating utensils,sloppy hand-to-mouth movements
- Difficulty opening bags and containers
- Unable to prepare snacks or meals
- Has trouble manipulating buttons, zippers, snaps
- Unable to tie shoes
- Difficulty with clothing management to dress or for toileting
- Difficulty with toileting
- Difficulty bathing
- Difficulty with bed mobility
- Tires easily
- In need of home evaluation for safety, mobility device, shower/tub or toilet equipment, or self-care devices